Children are watching and listening to daily news reports and hearing frightening information. Everyone is rightly anxious at the moment but in our children this anxiety can spiral and become a huge problem. Adults are talking openly on the phone and to other family members in the home about the seriousness of the current escalating situation.
There are a few things we can do to reduce our risk of catching the virus and also to help our children cope. Overheard comments by adults can be reduced by choosing to talk about this subject away from the child in a quiet voice, being mindful that our children sometimes have exceptional hearing. Reducing the amount of information reaching the child unsupervised through TV, radio or online channels is only sensible.
Providing information in an accurate but reassuring way is extremely important and also updating it when things change, as they will, with as much preparation as possible will help. Social Stories can help here (see attached Story below).Remember to be as positive and reassuring as possible, recognizing that our children are less able to read the current context and may leap to even more terrifying conclusions than is the case.
Demonstrate to the child how viruses can spread to surfaces with just a touch of the hand. One way of doing this is to sprinkle cocoa powder on a plate and then place the palm and fingers of both hands in the powder. Then walk around the room touching the back of the chair, the table, the handle of a cup or a door. Touch your face briefly, wipe your chin. Brown cocoa prints will be everywhere. Explain the cocoa powder is like a virus and then demonstrate thorough washing of both hands how the brown powder is washed away.
Parents will need to help children learn how to wash hands thoroughly for a prolonged period of 20 seconds. Using the child’s special interest may help here. Choose a song that is special to the child, sing it with them until 20 seconds is up. Alternatively use their special interest to employ them in counting to 20 eg counting to 20 penguins. Wash all areas of the hands – between fingers, around the nails, covering the tips of the fingers to the wrists back and front. Leave no area not covered in soap and wash off with warm/hot water. Doing it thoroughly will take 20 seconds. Doing it twice will prevent any area being missed.
Place a photo of penguins/ whatever favourite character is being used or the song above the sink as a reminder, and of course praise your child when they manage it well, and reward them.
Learning About the Corona Virus
Dr. Siobhan Timmins

Most of the time people are healthy and feel well. Sometimes people become unwell because of a cold or flu. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. Colds and flu are caused by viruses. Viruses are very tiny germs that we cannot see because they are so small.

Most of the time peoples’ bodies get rid of a virus in a few days or weeks. While the body is getting rid of the virus sometimes people need to stay at home or in bed to rest. Soon they are back to normal again.

Corona virus is a new virus that makes people unwell. Because it is new lots of people all over the world have caught the virus. Most people who have corona virus may feel like they have a cold or flu. They may have a temperature and a cough. After a few weeks they will feel well again.

A very very small number of people who have corona virus may become very very very very unwell. They may need to go to hospital so the doctors and nurses can help them while their bodies try to get rid of the virus..

Because Corona virus is a new virus doctors and scientists are busy learning about it. They are trying to find ways to treat this virus. Scientists are also working hard to make vaccinations and shots to stop people from becoming unwell from the virus.
While we wait for the scientists and doctors to make a vaccine or find a things all adults and children can do to avoid catching it.

Viruses are usually caught by people touching something that has a virus on it and then touching their face. Sometimes people catch the virus by being close to someone who has sneezed or coughed.
Viruses are so small we cannot see them. It’s important for people to wash their hands often with soap and warm water. This gets rid of the virus and helps to keep us healthy.

I will try and wash my hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before I eat, after I use the toilet and when I come home from school, the park, shops or seeing friends. My Mum or Dad will show me how to wash my hands carefully. They will remind me when it is time to wash my hands. To get rid of any virus doctors say it is important to wash our hands for 20 seconds (20 Pokemon/penguins…) This takes as long a singing ………………….. (my favourite song) twice or counting to 20 penguins (or favourite character).

Sometimes to stop a virus from spreading doctors and scientists tell people to stay away from crowds or groups of people. Schools may close and children stay at home. Workplaces may close and mums and dads work from home. Shops, buses and trains may stop running too. This is okay. It helps to stop the virus and keep people healthy for when things are normal again. We can stay at home until it is safe to go back to school or work. Mum and Dad will have ideas to keep me busy and happy at home. Mum and Dad will be told when it is safe to return to school or work. This is okay. It helps to stop the virus and keep people healthy for when things are normal again.
I am learning about Corona Virus.
A simplified version of the Social Article above, for those whose who are younger, have a cognitive impairment or reduced attention span, is available as a Social Story here
Images taken from the original article by Carol Gray
Last modified: 19th March 2020
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