The new school year brings many challenges for children on the autism spectrum and their families and teachers. School is often a confusing and overwhelming experience! This collection of Social Stories brings together some of the most commonly requested Story topics for primary school and into secondary school.
Each chapter begins with a full explanation of the perspective and interpretation of the child in a common school situation, describing what information may be missing for the child. This introduction is then followed by an example of a Social Story describing this missing information in an accessible way for the child on the autism spectrum. All the Stories have been used successfully with UK mainstream and special school children on the autism spectrum. Of course each Story will not match exactly the needs of the reader’s child, however the introduction will provide information on how an autistic child may be perceiving the situation and this alone is helpful.
This collection of Stories was compiled for parents, teachers and learning support assistants so that they could be used proactively before a situation becomes a challenge for a child, in order to reduce the huge levels of anxiety children experience on a day to day basis within an education setting. It seems only sensible and fair to provide children on the autism spectrum with the same social information as their typical peers, so they can be prepared for what is going to happen each day in school.
Some reviews
‘Most children are able to interpret and respond to social contexts and cues in school with incredible speed and without effort. For others, like those diagnosed with autism, the events and interactions of each day hold elusive meanings and unforeseen pitfalls. Social Stories are like a magic wand that replaces confusion with information and fear with confidence, to build social competence one Story at a time.’
– Peter Vermeulen, PhD. Senior lecturer at Autisme Centraal, Belgium. Author of over 15 books on autism including “Autism as context blindness” (2012).
‘The context-setting, that helps further understanding of autistic thinking is superb, as are the examples of the social stories themselves. If this were a ‘must-have’ for every school and college, life for autistic children would be that much better.’
– Jude Ragan, OBE, ex-head of Queensmill School, freelance autism education specialist
‘This book is used on a daily basis to support children who attend our school. The book is a fantastic resource and enables staff to support individual children to develop their awareness of different social situations. All the books written by Dr Timmins have been such a valuable resource and I couldn’t recommend them highly enough’
– Rebecca Tilley, SENCO Primary School
‘Dr Timmins has produced another fantastic book outlining her simple, clear approach to guiding young people with autism to greater social understanding. It is clear that she isn’t just coming at this as an academic, but also as a mum who has worked hard to help her own child and others to flourish in the hostile world that school presents. The book outlines the science behind the stories, the reason for each and how to adapt them for your child (or children in your care.) It is beautifully written such that it speaks with authority for practitioners and clarity for parents. Siobhan’s personal approach is at times moving, yet her sense of hope and humour stand out – and you won’t need a PhD to understand or apply it. Can’t wait for the next one!’
– Nick L , Amazon purchaser
‘With school being the number one trigger of anxiety for children with autism, this book holds the key to capturing that anxiety before it gets out of control. The choice of topics is relevant to school and college years and other general life encounters. Children with autism are easily drawn to the book and find it inviting to read. I am considered neurotypical and i too found it very comforting to read. 100% recommend.’
– Loanie, Amazon purchaser
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